Enhancing Health Workforce Planning Through Data

With over 30,000 state and federal policymakers and healthcare leaders across America relying on data-driven insights, the National Health Workforce Demand Data Repository was established to address a pressing need: understanding and forecasting America’s healthcare workforce challenges at a granular level.

The problems we needed to solve

The U.S. faces a critical health workforce crisis, impacting healthcare delivery nationwide. Leaders need reliable data to forecast workforce needs, optimize resource allocation, and expand scholarship opportunities in underserved areas. The task was to develop a system that provides actionable insights into workforce demand across diverse healthcare settings, including rural hospitals and community health centers.

The solutions we proposed

We developed the National Health Workforce Demand Data Repository, a tool that helps policymakers understand current workforce challenges and forecast future needs at the community level through data creation, analysis, and effective communication.

What have we achieved

Our work has empowered policymakers with the ability to forecast workforce needs three, five, and even ten years into the future, helping to shape more informed decisions. By understanding specific community-level challenges across healthcare organization types, leaders can better allocate resources and develop targeted strategies to grow the health workforce pipeline.

Comprehensive Data Collection

We gathered vacancy data from nearly 4,000 healthcare organizations across DC, MD, NC, and VA, including hospitals and community health centers. This data was compiled into a single Azure-based database, forming a critical resource for workforce demand analysis.

Advanced Data Visualization

Tableau-based dashboards were developed to visualize workforce demand by position, education requirements, and organization type. These interactive tools provide stakeholders with insights at national, state, city, and zip code levels, supporting data- driven decisions.

Strategic Data Communication

We created a summary website and an AI-generated video to communicate key findings effectively. These resources helped stakeholders quickly understand the workforce challenges and opportunities identified by the data.

Predictive Insights for Future Planning

Our repository offers forecasts for workforce needs over three, five, and ten years. These predictive insights aid in strategic planning, supporting policy changes and targeted resource allocation to address evolving workforce challenges.

What this means going forward

Through our strategic approach to data collection, analysis, and communication, the National Health Workforce Demand Data Repository is now a vital tool in addressing America’s health workforce crisis. By making critical workforce demand data accessible and actionable, we are paving the way for better forecasting and more effective workforce development strategies, ultimately enhancing healthcare delivery across the nation.

For more information, please visit or contact us:
  • +1-888-672-6324